My right turn took me past the Iditarod Headquarters into Lake Lucille Park, which is owned and operated by the City of Wasilla. Walking out to the water’s edge, there I saw what for many in the Palinista Community would be our True North.
A low cumulus puffer cloud was suspended in front of the Palin compound….
The building to the left is the Palin home; the building to the right houses Todd Palin’s shop and Sarah’s Fox News Studio, as well as a guest apartment.
My mission accomplished, I bid farewell and went to the Iditarod Headquarters.
Here, the Iditarod dogs are trained. These Alaskan Huskies are born to run and live to run. They not the kind of dog you keep as a pet, and absolutely not the kind of dog for a city dweller to keep in an apartment building while being out at work all day.
I took a ride on a dog propelled wagon. The $10 was a little pricey, but it’s well worth it to support the Iditarod with its associated traditions, and to have this experience.
Following my ride, I went inside and took photos and brought home a beautiful stuffed Iditarod dog with a puppy in her mouth. It was just too irresistible. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin packed one of these plush dogs in a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child last year. They were – and still are – $20.95, and you can get them online.
My next stop would be the Dorothy Page Museum.