4K Video Changing of the Guard Syntagma Square, Athens, GR

This 4K video (our first!) shows an hourly Changing of the Guard in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Hellenic Parliament in Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece.

The guards are changed every hour on the hour 24 x 7. As you can see in the video, each change takes over seven minutes. According to Greeka, the moves are done in extremely slow motion to protect the soldiers’ blood circulation after standing perfectly still for an hour. Greeka also details the soldier’s uniforms, the history and significance of each item worn. The guards are carrying M1 Garands; the Greeks used the M1 as a service rifle into the 1970s, trained on it into the 1990s and use it today for these Changing of the Guard ceremonies,

We took the video at 6 PM EET on December 19.


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